Presenting a Model of Factors Affecting the Coopetition Formation and Consequences: A Mixed Research

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, College of Farabi

2 Professor in Business management, Faculty of management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

3 Assistant Professor in Business Management, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran

4 PhD Candidate of Business policy, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom


Coopetition is a strategy which considered by many organizations in the last decades to gain, maintain and improve the competitive position.
Objective: The main purpose of this study is to present a model of factors affecting the formation of coopetition and its consequences.
Method: Systematic grounded-theory was used in the qualitative part and Structural Equation Modeling was used in the quantitative part. The qualitative sector study population was banking experts and senior managers, and in the quantitative sector, the statistical population was managers, bosses, experts and senior staff. The sampling method in qualitative part is targeted and snowball (33 people) and in the quantitative part it is clustered and simple (368 people).
Findings After qualitative analysis of interview data, a coopetiton model in the Iranian banking industry was presented. Quantitative test findings confirmed the research model. Findings showed that the challenges of the banking industry (causal conditions) have a significant effect on the Coopetition Tendency. Findings confirmed the effect of the Coopetition Tendency, underlying factors (economic, social-cultural, political-legal and technological environment) and intervening factors (human resources, organizational structure, technology, organizational culture, Financial resources, senior management, and macro-policies) on Coopetition strategies and the impact of these strategies on consequences.
Results: In order to maintain and improve the position and gain customer satisfaction, banks can gain a proper platform to benefit from cooperation with their competitors in a competitive environment and the consequences of adopting strategies by gaining correct knowledge and managing the factors affecting the formation and implementation of coopetition strategies.
