Effective Criteria in Evaluating Electronic Business Models

Document Type : مروری


Amir Manian*, Babak Sohrabi**, Mozhdeh Sadighi***[1] Abstract     The highly competitive and variable nature of the business world has caused organizations to constantly try to adapt to their environment and keep up with the competition. Organizations that have dynamic business model are successful against their competition. Since every innovation and change in business models need sufficient information of the current situation, evaluation is considered as a prerequisite of any change. The goal of this study is to identify factors which help electronic businesses evaluate their business models. For this purpose, scientific texts in this area were selected by conducting qualitative meta-synthesis research. Then, evaluation factors were extracted from these texts by using content analysis. Finally, the degrees of importance of factors were determined by using Shannon entropy, which is a quantitative method for data analysis. Based on the findings, efficiency, lock-in and awareness with coefficients of 0.087, 0.087 and 0.080 respectively have high priorities for electronic business models assessment. Keywords: Electronic Business Model; Evaluation; Evaluation Factors; Meta-Synthesis؛ Shannon Entropy* Associate Professor, University of Tehran.** Professor., University of Tehran.*** Master-graduated, University of Tehran (Corresponding Author).E-mail: mozhdeh.sadighi@ut.ac.ir

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