Presenting an Employer Branding Model with a Sustainable Marketing Approach: Based on the Signaling Theory

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD Candidate of Marketing Management, Alzahra University. Tehran. Iran

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences & Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Management and accounting faculty of Farabi campus, University of Tehran



In this paper, the efforts aligned with the 17 sustainability goals as one of the precursors of employer branding; It will connect two very current and underexplored marketing topics. Therefore, this study aims to design and explain the employer's brand model using a sustainable marketing approach.
In summary, this research aims to answer the main question using a qualitative method and a grounded theorizing approach, "How is the presentation of the employer branding model with a sustainable marketing approach?" Also, this study aims to create a positive image of social responsibility actions and align with companies' sustainability goals under employer branding (with a sustainable marketing approach) to help recruit job applicants and keep talents in the company.
Considering the nature of this research, which is exploratory research, the strategy is grounded theory, and the sampling method is theoretical sampling.
The paradigm model of this research was designed based on the paradigm model of Strauss and Corbin. In this model, after implementing Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding, the final research model consists of 16 main categories, 40 sub-categories and 147 concepts.
This research showed the consequences of building an employer brand with a sustainable marketing approach at four levels: a. subjective characteristics of sustainable employer brand; b. Sensory characteristics of the sustainable employer brand, c. Symbolic features of sustainable employer brand; and d. The instrumental characteristics of a sustainable employer brand are achievable.


Main Subjects