Designing the pattern of "Customer Price Experience" Based on customer touch points in multiple channels

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Business Management Department, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Management- University of Tehran


Objective: Retailers need to take care of their customers and satisfy them in the face of product prices through multiple communication channels. Therefore, in the present study, we design the customer price experience framework in multiple retail channels.
Methodology: This research was conducted with a single qualitative approach, interpretive philosophy and theme analysis. The statistical population of the research includes a group of offline and online customers of Digi Kala. The sampling method is targeted and selective sampling method with maximum diversity.
Findings: MAXQDA 2020 software has been used to extract 11 and 13 main themes in offline and online shopping, respectively. These codes are the result of the researcher's deep involvement with the research subject of the researcher's studies and notes (memos) in the research process. Expected quality lack code (11 referrals), in the offline channel, and pay attention to negative comments code (11 referrals), in the online channel had the highest frequency in terms of the number of referrals and based on the classification of the purchase process and customer touch points.
Conclusion: This model can be very useful for offline and online retail owners and business managers for deep knowledge of customers and designing a comprehensive price value package that meets the maximum expectations of customers.
