Providing a framework of touch points in the multichannel shopping journey of young women consumers

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD of Marketing, Farabi College, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of marketing and entrepreneurship, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

3 Reader in Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

4 Professor in Business Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University

5 Assistant Professor, Management and accounting faculty of Farabi campus, University of Tehran



In recent years, the increase in touchpoints in various online and offline channels and the increase in the desire of people, especially young people, to check clothes in several channels have made the control and management of the shopping journey complicated for clothing businesses. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to provide a framework of touchpoints in the shopping journey of multichannel clothing for women in their 70s.
Methodology: The current research is applied and developmental in terms of purpose and descriptive and qualitative in terms of the nature and method of data collection. The community of participants of this research is made up of women in their seventies who have experience shopping from multichannel clothing stores, which was selected using a targeted method and a bullet-point method and was saturated with exploratory interviews with 20 people. In this research, quantitative data analysis method was used for data coding and analysis.
Findings: After analyzing and coding the data, finally 37 touchpoints were identified and labeled in ten subcategories and five main categories.
Conclusion:The results of the research showed that women in the 70s are faced with many touchpoints at different stages of their shopping journey in online and offline channels, and the details of these touchpoints at each stage of the customer journey are described in this framework. Instagram posts and recommendations, the way of interacting with physical and the virtual store admin, the interior environment and the shop window were identified as the most important touch points


Main Subjects