Factors Influencing Brand Avoidance Intention through Customer Attitude towards Brand Avoidance: an Emphasis on Chinese Brands

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


 Abolghasem Ebrahimi*, Sayyed Moslem Alavi**, Mahdi Najafi Siahroudi***[1] Abstract     The main purpose of this survey is to investigate the factors influencing brand avoidance intention through customer attitude towards brand avoidance. Among Rasht citizens 268 individuals who have had an experience of avoiding Chinese brands were selected. A researcher made questionnaire (its validity is tested by two approaches, including face validity and confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability is examined using alpha cronbach (87%)) is distributed among samples. Findings reveal that customer’s attitude towards brand avoidance has mediated the relationship between perceived risk of using brand and brand avoidance intention and it has played a role of mediator variable between anti brand activism and brand avoidance intention. Consequently, two most important factors that affect customer brand avoidance would be the anti-brand activism shown by unsatisfied customer and his/ her perceived risk of using the brand. Keywords: Factors Influencing Brand Avoidance; Attitude towards Brand Avoidance; Brand Avoidance Intention; Chinese Brand* Assistant Professor, Shiraz University (Corresponding Author).E-mail: Aebrahimi@shirazu.ac.ir** MSc., Payamnoor University.*** MSc, Rahbord Shomal Nonprofit University. 

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