Generating a Model of Bank Identity

Document Type : مروری


 Tahmores Hassan Gholipour*, Ali Divandari**, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh***, Mojtaba Barari****[1]  Abstract     The main goal of this research is generating a model for Bank Mellat corporate identity. Mixed method is used in this research. In qualitative part, is used grounded theory and interview and participate participation observation was main data collection method. Conceptual model indicates the main identity of bank is Superiority that originate from bank heritage. This identity cause to bank move toward Excellence in different banking aspect as strategy. Also, contextual and intervening factor are influencing on strategy. Finally, bank identity is visible in touch point with a customer. In quantitative part, structural equation modeling and Lisrel software are used to test Bank Mellat corporate identity. Results indicate that the model fits with data, but intervening factor has a negative effect on strategy in Bank Mellat corporate identity model. Keywords: Identity; Corporate Identity; Bank Mellat; Grounded Theory* Associate Professor, Tehran University.** Professor, Tehran University.*** Professor, Shahid Beheshti University.**** Ph.D Student, Tehran University (Corresponding Author).Email:

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