Developing an Alliance Performance Conceptual Framework: Resource Based View

Document Type : مروری


 Manizheh Ghareche *, Abbas Ali Hajikarimi **, Sayyed Hamid Khodadadhoseini ***, Vahid Makkizade****[1] Abstract     Forming of strategic alliances is one of the most important strategies of firms in the oil industry and its related industries. The performance evaluation is also an important field of study is considered. Hence the purpose of this study is to present a model of strategic alliance performance. 113 questionnaires distributed among firms participating in strategic alliances in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry and 73 usable questionnaires were distributed, returned. Latent variables are all in the range of acceptable reliability. To test the model, partial least squares method and Smart PLS-Graph software version 2.0 was used. The results showed that alliance experience has a positive effect on two dimensions of the alliance capability include of alliance mechanisms and alliance management capability. Positive impact of Alliance management capability  on operational capabilities and competitive advantage impact on performance was also confirmed. Separation of impacts showed that experience a significant impact on the performance of alliances. Keywords: Strategic Alliance; Alliance Experience; Alliance Capability; Operational Capability; Alliance Performance; Competitive Advantage.* Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University.** Associate Professor, Shahid Beheshti University.*** Professor, Tarbiat Modarres university.**** Ph.D Student, Shahid Beheshti University (Corresponding Author).E-mail:

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