The Impact of the Package Design on The Select Consumers

Document Type : مروری


 Davood Feiz*, Azim.Zarei**, Fatemeh Ashrafi***[1] Abstract     Most Products offered in the markets must be packaged. Some marketing managers believe that the packaging is the fifth-P next to the 4 traditional Ps of Product, Price, Promotion& physical Distribution.  They often think of the packaging as an important element of the product strategies. Packaging consists of activities including the design and manufacture of a product container or cover. Packaging must actually describe the product and its appearance should convince the buyer that it is reliable. Hence, the present study the impact of the packaging design on the select consumers in the tissue industry. Using a questionnaire and observation form, the opinions of 400 respondents were collected in the Mazandaran province. In order to analyze the data,SPSS statistical software was used. The results of research suggest the positive impact of color,  shape, and image elements on the tissue package on Select consumers.  Also, the value of the chi-square statistic shows that the gender and age of the respondents have impacts on their color of the package selection.  Therefore, it is suggested that designers of the tissue packages design its products according to the results found in this study. Keywords: Packaging; Attractive Design; Color; Form and Shape* Assosiate Professor, Semnan University.** Assistant Professor, Semnan University.*** Master, Semnan University (Corresponding Author).E-mail:

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