Identifying and Ranking of Factors Influencing the Formation of Types of International Strategic Alliance

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Tarbiat Modares University


 Objective: The paper aims to identify the factors influencing the types of international strategic alliances formulation to help managers to choose the best type of strategic alliance by considering the organization needs and goals.  Methodology: All factors affecting the types of international strategic alliances in Iran’s manufacturing industries were identified using existing knowledge, interviews with manufacturing industry managers having experience of forming international strategic alliances and academic experts. The research population in the qualitative phase was professors of Tehran universities and senior executives of manufacturing industries with experience of forming international strategic alliances. The statistical population in the quantitative stage was manufacturing companies with experience of forming international strategic alliances. Subsequently, 190questionnaires were distributed among manufacturing companies with experience of forming international strategic alliances and also factors affecting the formation of a variety of international strategic alliances were examined.  Finding: Finally, by using one-way ANOVA and Duncan tests, the influence and ranking of each factor on the types of international strategic alliances is examined and confirmatory factor analysis modeling method was used to explain the model.  Conclution: According to the findings, Iranian manufacturing industries behave differently in forming international strategic alliances. 


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