Investigating the concept of brand value co-destruction in the interactive process of customer-brand experience

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran.

2 Semnan university faculty member

3 Department of commercial management, Faculty of Economic, Management and Administrative science, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

4 Assistant Prof. Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Vali Asr University, Rafsanjan, Kerman.Iran.



Objective: Along with the evolution of customers' experience of the brand, the importance of the type of interaction between customers and the brand increases, because just as customers can use the potential of their brand knowledge and skill in creating brand value, if they are dissatisfied with it, They can destroy brand value. Therefore, it is necessary to know the type of interaction of customers with the company during their experience of the brand to identify the state of co-destruction of brand value. Therefore, this study aims to examine the concept of co-destruction of brand value in the interactive process of customer-brand experience.
Methodology: This study is applied in terms of its purpose and qualitative inductive in terms of research type. In this research, the Classical ground theory method has been used to collect data.
Findings: The proposed framework of this research has been presented during three consecutive steps of customer-brand experience and by extracting 157 open codes, 34 concepts and 8 main categories, it has formed the main process of co-destruction of brand value.
Conclusion: The results show that the co-destruction of brand value is formed during an interactive process and its occurrence requires the evolution of the negative experience of the customers about the brand. In other words, all interactions from the time of the wrong initial conflict between the customer and the brand to the moment of their harmful cooperation in production and marketing, lead to the formation of the co-destruction process of the brand value. Therefore, according to the presented framework, companies can monitor all stages of customer-brand experience and prevent this destructive phenomenon from happening in the company by identifying their weak points in interactions.
