Determining the Corporate Governance Mechanisms in International Join Ventures and recognizing the effective Factors

Document Type : Original Article


1 university of Tehran

2 University of Teheran


Objective: The lack of a research which determined corporate governance mechanisms and recognized the factors which have effect on them makes us to write this article to recognize the mechanisms which are compatible with the nature of international joint ventures structure and determine the factors which have influence the specified mechanism and form them.
Methodology: For attaining to above objective, a systematic literature review (SLR) executed and 400 articles extracted and 38 of them, analyzed deeply and systematically (thematic analysis technique and open coding method have been exploited as the analyzing tools, as well).
Findings: Recognition of 11 corporate governance mechanisms, 16 factors which have effect on their presence and the visual illustration of mentioned results, are the findings of this article.
Conclusion: Meanwhile, the filed of activity and industry of the parents, further to the circumstance of the host country, can increase / decrease the number of determined mechanisms.


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