- Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Institue for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Corresponding author
Assistant professor, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University
Purpose: Several studies have shown that entrepreneurial orientation has a significant effect on firms’ performance. Therefore, during the past decades, business scholars have paid more attention to this subject, and several studies have been done on the antecedents of entrepreneurial orientation. The various dimensions of strategic orientations are among the variables that can be investigated as the antecedents of entrepreneurial orientation. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between futurity and entrepreneurial orientation. The effect of the competitive intensity in moderating this relationship was also studied. Methodology: The population consisted of the companies which were active in the information and communication technology sector. A questionnaire was distributed among the executives of these firms. Finally, 124 questionnaires were collected. The variance-based structural equation modeling technique was used to analyze data. Smart PLS3 was the software through which the analysis was done. Findings: The results showed that futurity has a positive effect on entrepreneurial orientation. The effect of competitive intensity in moderating this relationship was also confirmed. Results: The more future-oriented the ICT companies are, the more entrepreneurial they will be. Moreover, the more the companies in various ICT sub-industries perceive competitive intensity, the more the effect of future-orientation on entrepreneurship will be.
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seyed kalali, N. , and heydari, E. . "The Effect of Future Orientation on Entrepreneurship and the Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity in ICT Industry", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19, 43, 2020, 150-170. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.43.150
seyed kalali, N., heydari, E. (2020). 'The Effect of Future Orientation on Entrepreneurship and the Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity in ICT Industry', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19(43), pp. 150-170. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.43.150
N. seyed kalali and E. heydari, "The Effect of Future Orientation on Entrepreneurship and the Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity in ICT Industry," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19 43 (2020): 150-170, doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.43.150
seyed kalali, N., heydari, E. The Effect of Future Orientation on Entrepreneurship and the Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity in ICT Industry. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2020; 19(43): 150-170. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.43.150