Developing a Model for Student Relationship Management (SRM) in Universities of Iran
Document Type : مروری
Babak Sohrabi*, Alireza Hasanzadeh**, Amir Khanlari***,Sayyed Vahid Oskuee****[1] Abstract At the present time, most universities have a lot of problems regarding student relationship management (SRM) processes and students, professors and university personnel face those problems in their job carrier. These problems have always been outlined by universities and large amount of the budget is allocated for obtaining, developing or improving these systems, but unfortunately many of these problems are unsolved or some of its intensity has decreased. For this reason a survey was conducted to provide a model for student relationship management to review and remove this issue. This research is based on the grounded theory method and to develop the model experts were interviewed. Open sampling, relational and variational sampling and discrimental sampling, and taking the maturity of data and findings by theoretical sampling are stages of development of this model. This paper and after a brief presentation of literature, explains the research methodology and coding steps, and then, in addition to conclusion and introduction of stakeholders and users of this model, it offers some suggestions in order to continue and development of this research. Keywords: Student Relationship Management; Customer Relationship Management; Grounded Theory; Sampling/Coding; University* Professor, Tehran University.** Associated Professor, Tarbiat Modares University.*** Assistant Professor,Lecturer of Iran Banking Institute (IBI) (Corresponding author).E-Mail:
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(2015). Developing a Model for Student Relationship Management (SRM) in Universities of Iran. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14(22), 69-84.
. "Developing a Model for Student Relationship Management (SRM) in Universities of Iran", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14, 22, 2015, 69-84.
(2015). 'Developing a Model for Student Relationship Management (SRM) in Universities of Iran', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14(22), pp. 69-84.
, "Developing a Model for Student Relationship Management (SRM) in Universities of Iran," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14 22 (2015): 69-84,
Developing a Model for Student Relationship Management (SRM) in Universities of Iran. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2015; 14(22): 69-84.