Path-Structural Modeling of Dynamic Capabilities and Environmental Dynamics Relationship
Document Type : مروری
Maryam Nekooeezade*, Sayyed Mahmoud Hosseini**, Manizheh Ghareche***, Abbasali Hajikarimi****[1] Abstract Find a way to cope with the changing environments and organizational survival has become a major challenge among management researchers in recent years. The dynamic capabilities view has gained particular importance. Reviews of the dynamic capabilities literatures reveal that survey effects of environmental dynamism on dynamic capabilities, is one of the research requirements. This paper examines the relationship between dynamic capabilities and environmental dynamics. So, a model of dynamic capabilities (including sensing capability, seizing capability and reconfiguration capability) and environmental dynamics (including technology and market dynamics) constructs was designed. The data were collected from the questionnaire. Questionnaires were completed by senior managers of production companies in Tehran stock exchange. We used SmartPLS. Results showed the relationship between environmental dynamics and dynamic capabilities as higher-level construct in the model is significant. Also, technological dynamics have a positive impact on sensing capability, seizing capability and reconfiguration capability. Market dynamics have a positive impact on sensing capability and seizing capability too. Keywords: Dynamic Capabilities; Environmental Dynamics; Sensing Capability; Seizing Capability; Reconfiguration Capability* Ph.D Student, Shahid Beheshti University (Corresponding Author).E-Mail: Mmnekooee@Yahoo.Com** Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University.*** Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University.**** Associate Professor, Shahid Beheshti University.
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(2015). Path-Structural Modeling of Dynamic Capabilities and Environmental Dynamics Relationship. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14(22), 85-103.
. "Path-Structural Modeling of Dynamic Capabilities and Environmental Dynamics Relationship", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14, 22, 2015, 85-103.
(2015). 'Path-Structural Modeling of Dynamic Capabilities and Environmental Dynamics Relationship', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14(22), pp. 85-103.
, "Path-Structural Modeling of Dynamic Capabilities and Environmental Dynamics Relationship," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14 22 (2015): 85-103,
Path-Structural Modeling of Dynamic Capabilities and Environmental Dynamics Relationship. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2015; 14(22): 85-103.