Investigating the Mediating Effect of Brand Involvement in the Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty
Document Type : Original Article
Ali Sanayei*, Sayyed Mehdi Mirmehdi**, Reza Salehzade***[1] AbstractIn today's business, brands are considered as a valuable asset for companies so having the loyal customers to the brand is the main goal of many companies. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of brand personality on brand involvement and brand loyalty. In addition, the role of brand involvement as a mediator in the relationship between the brand personality and loyalty was investigated. Hypotheses were examined by using the structural equation modeling. Survey data collected from mobile customers in Isfahan and cluster method was used for sampling. Totally 452 valid questionnaires were used for data analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the brand personality has an impact on brand involvement and brand involvement an impact on brand loyalty. The direct impact of brand personality on brand loyalty was rejected. Based on last hypothesis testing, the indirect effect of brand personality on brand loyalty through brand involvement was confirmed. Keywords: Brand Personality; Brand Involvement; Brand Loyalty* Professor, University of Isfahan.** Ph.D. student, University of Isfahan (Corresponding Author).E-mail:*** Ph.D. student, University of Isfahan.
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(2015). Investigating the Mediating Effect of Brand Involvement in the Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14(24), 103-116.
. "Investigating the Mediating Effect of Brand Involvement in the Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14, 24, 2015, 103-116.
(2015). 'Investigating the Mediating Effect of Brand Involvement in the Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14(24), pp. 103-116.
, "Investigating the Mediating Effect of Brand Involvement in the Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 14 24 (2015): 103-116,
Investigating the Mediating Effect of Brand Involvement in the Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Loyalty. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2015; 14(24): 103-116.