Selecting a partner in joint venture companies is one of the most important critical success factors for companies who are deploying growth and development strategy through joint venture companies and is one of the main concerns of researchers. Partner selection requires applying a scientific and specific algorithm to recognize all the variables and their interactions to select the best choice among the partner candidates to make a joint. In this research a model is extracted to help in selecting a foriegn partner in joint venturing. The research consists of two main parts. In the first part to find the relevant variables which affect the partner selection, a literature review and libraray studies is done and 239 variables are extracted, then by using Delphi technique and run it several times through distributing a questionary and individual interviews, 14 main variables which are influencing on the partner selection in Iran automotive industry are recognized. In second part, through applying Interpretive Structural Modeling technique (ISM) the main model is established and by the experts viewpoints and applying two techniques, Analytical Network Process (ANP), and Decision-making and Evaluation Labarotory (Dimatel), the priorities of the variables is evaluated and the variables’ weights in the final model is calculated.
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mahmoodi meymand, M. , and safaei, M. . "Partner appraisal and selection model for international joint venture companies in Iran Automotive industry", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 17, 34, 2018, 91-110.
mahmoodi meymand, M., safaei, M. (2018). 'Partner appraisal and selection model for international joint venture companies in Iran Automotive industry', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 17(34), pp. 91-110.
M. mahmoodi meymand and M. safaei, "Partner appraisal and selection model for international joint venture companies in Iran Automotive industry," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 17 34 (2018): 91-110,
mahmoodi meymand, M., safaei, M. Partner appraisal and selection model for international joint venture companies in Iran Automotive industry. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2018; 17(34): 91-110.