Objective: In this research, an attempt has been made to design and explain the organizational context model of the continuation of entrepreneurial orientation. Research has shown that companies with high levels of entrepreneurial orientation also perform better. Therefore, in the present study, we seek to identify the organizational contexts for the creation and continuation of entrepreneurial orientation. Methodology: After reviewing previous studies on the fields of entrepreneurial orientation, a multiple case study involving four Iranian companies was examined to discover the central organizational context of entrepreneurial orientation. Then, using content analysis, the main dimensions were identified and by using interpretive structural equations, the relationships between the specified dimensions and the initial research model were obtained. Finally, with a quantitative test, the initial research model was tested and confirmed using the structural equation model equation method. Findings: Findings show that the organizational contexts of continuing entrepreneurial orientation include coaching, succession, organizational learning, CEO, professional staff, strategic alignment, and key resources and capabilities. All the assumed relationships in the initial research model were approved after a quantitative test of the model, and only one case of the relationship between succession and CEO was not confirmed. Conclusion: The research results show well the areas of continuity of entrepreneurial orientation and the relationship between them. Coaching leadership style is identified as the cornerstone of this important and other areas are affected by this variable. The research will be useful for researchers and business executives.
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M. M. Maleki and B. Hajipour, "Designing and Explaining Organizational Antecedents of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Orientation: Mixed Method," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19 42 (2020): 13-38, doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.13
Maleki, M. M., Hajipour, B. Designing and Explaining Organizational Antecedents of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Orientation: Mixed Method. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2020; 19(42): 13-38. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.13