< p >Objective: Because of the widespread use of the Internet in e-commerce, research on online shopping is urgently needed. In this regard, numerous studies have been conducted on the relationship between firm and customer, but a few studies have focused on the interactions of customers with each other and the consequence of that especially on online shopping websites. This research studies the most effective and impressionable factors on customer interactions. < p class="chekide">Methodology: In this research, 384 customers of Dijikala and Bamilo online stores were studied by random sampling method using online questionnaire. Structural equations through AMOS software was used to analyze the data. < p >Finding:The findings of this study showed that customer to customer interactions have a direct impact on satisfaction and commitment. On the other hand, Commitment leads to partnership, cooperation and loyalty. Also loyalty have a direct impact on satisfaction. < p >Results: The results of this research provide concepts for managers of online shopping websites and marketers and help them to better manage interactions among customers.
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M. ranjbarfard and E. Solimanpour, "The impact of customer to customer interactions on Customer-Oriented Indicators for online shopping websites," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19 42 (2020): 64-85, doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.64
ranjbarfard, M., Solimanpour, E. The impact of customer to customer interactions on Customer-Oriented Indicators for online shopping websites. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2020; 19(42): 64-85. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.64