Objective: the purpose of this study is to examine the internal drivers of successful implementation of strategies, based on a coherent approach. Methodology: The present study is an exploratory and descriptive research and is a a kind of mixed method research. The qualitative part is based on the Glaser approach of Grounded theory data in this part are collected from interviews with 11 scientific and executive experts including managers, bank deputies and University professors And in the quantitative part, using hierarchical process analysis (AHP), the mentioned factors are ranked. Findings: according to Grounded theory guidelines, a framework consisting of three categories of individual level, interpersonal level and organizational level was obtained. Results: Among the three categories of strategy proponents, the interpersonal level factors received the highest rank. Also, the results of the study showed that "management support" followed by "flexibility" have a higher position in this category. Then, the organizational level was ranked second, in which "the establishment of a meritocracy system" has the highest score, and in the end, from the factors related to the individual level, the factor of "belief in cooperation" and "Belief in strategy" had the highest score.
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Abedin, B. , , Akbari emami, S. , , Jalili, E. , and Delkhon, M. A. . "A Coherent Approach to Internal Proponents of Successful Strategy Implementation and Prioritization: A Mixed Study", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19, 42, 2020, 130-151. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.130
Abedin, B., Akbari emami, S., Jalili, E., Delkhon, M. A. (2020). 'A Coherent Approach to Internal Proponents of Successful Strategy Implementation and Prioritization: A Mixed Study', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19(42), pp. 130-151. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.130
B. Abedin , S. Akbari emami , E. Jalili and M. A. Delkhon, "A Coherent Approach to Internal Proponents of Successful Strategy Implementation and Prioritization: A Mixed Study," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19 42 (2020): 130-151, doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.130
Abedin, B., Akbari emami, S., Jalili, E., Delkhon, M. A. A Coherent Approach to Internal Proponents of Successful Strategy Implementation and Prioritization: A Mixed Study. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2020; 19(42): 130-151. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.42.130