The expansion of strategic improvisation capabilities in knowledge-based companies in Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Marketing, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Management Department, University of Isfahan, Faculty of Administrative Sciences & Economics, Isfahan, Iran.



This study aims to expand the model of improvisation capabilities in technological startups companies in Iraq. The research method is qualitative. The statistical population includes senior managers and experts of technological companies; With an 10 years of official presence and experience in startups in Iraq, the statistical sample of the research in the qualitative part was interviewed with 12 people from the management staff and experts and senior managers of technological companies active in the field of communication in Iraq. The data collection tool was a semi-structured and in-depth interviews. The data obtained in the qualitative section were analyzed with foundational data theory and open and axial coding. The tool to check the validity and reliability of the questionnaire was to check the face validity and retest reliability. After analyzing the findings of the qualitative part, based on the grounded theory model of the foundation, the causal factors include organizational factors, support factors and structural factors. Contextual factors include environmental analysis and improvisational learning. The main phenomenon which is the improvisational ability consists of individual abilities, executive abilities and managerial abilities. Intervening conditions include internal factors in implementation and external factors. Strategies include market orientation and continuous innovation. Consequences include business performance and internal performance.


Main Subjects