Effective Factors on the Attitudes towards the Extension and the Effect of Advertising on Consumer's Behavior

Document Type : مروری


Abdol Hadi Darzian Azizi*,Zeinab Zarepour**[1] Abstract     Product extending is one of the marketing strategies considered by managers to respond the changes of customers’ needs, demands, and preferences in the market. One of the main concerns of managers in this field is a brand extension of the new product. This research has been implemented to investigate the effective factors on brand extension attitude and brand extension effect as well as advertising on consumer behavior. In this research, first, the effective factors on brand extension attitude, and then the effect of brand extension attitude on the final brand image and purchase intention have been investigated. Also, the effect of advertising as the modifying variable on the relationship between brand extension attitude and final brand image has been investigated which has not been investigated in former research. Data collection was implemented through two pre-tests using a questionnaire. Data analysis related to 497 students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz was applied through structural equations and LISREL software. Results showed that brand image appropriateness was the most effective factor on brand extension attitude. Also, brand-based advertising had a stronger effect on brand extension attitude compared to product-based advertising.   Keywords: Brand Extension; Attitude Towards Brand Extension; Brand Image Fit; Advertising and Consumer's Behavior* Assistant Professor, Shahid Chamran University.**. MA Student, , Shahid Chamran University (Corresponding Author).E-mail: T.zarepour@yahoo.com

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