Impact of Buyer Personality on Word-of-Mouth

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


University of Isfahan


Businesses depend on a variety of techniques and advertising methods to persuade customers to make purchases and grow their customer base. In doing so, customer satisfaction with the shopping experience has been identified as a key factor. Customer satisfaction leads to both repeat business and voluntary positive Word-Of-Mouth (WOM), which in turn brings in more customers. Given its effectiveness and relatively low cost, WOM is among the most important marketing mechanisms for many businesses, which is affected by a large number of internal and external factors. This paper aims to explore how customer personality traits influence willingness to engage in WOM. Personality dimensions are measured using the standard Myers-Briggs Type Indicator while a questionnaire is developed by the authors to examine customer WOM behavior. The statistical population includes buyers of computer accessories. The questionnaire was distributed among 385 randomly selected individuals. However, a total of 329 responses were used for analysis purposes. According to structural equation modeling, the feeling, extraversion, and judging traits affect satisfied customers’ WOM engagement with coefficients of 74%, 41%, and 28% respectively. Contrarily, the sensing trait was found to have no impact on WOM engagement.


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