Developing E-Retailers Ethics Model and its Impact on Retailer Image and Competitive Advantage

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Isfahan University

2 University of Isfahan


 Objective: It is the ethics and commitment to morals in today’s business that are of the most important factors that shape the buyer is thinking and manners on a growing basis. The present, due to the increasing tendency of consumers to buy electronically and the need to observe ethics by retailers, expand the ethics among e-retailers with its impact on retailer’s image .
Methodology: In the realm of qualitative research, this study is fundamental, and in terms of quantitative research, it is developmental. The research method in the qualitative study is thematic analysis and in the quantitative study is questionnaire. The statistical population in the qualitative research consists of internet (online) marketing and business ethics experts. In the quantitative part, the statistical population encompasses 342 customers that shop online from Digi Kala. The quantitative data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire.
 Finding: Data were also analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis by means of SPSS and PLS.The expanded qualitative model of e-retailers’ ethics consists of six dimensions: 1-Privacy 2-security 3-commitment/reliability 4-non-deception 5-benevolance 6-professionalism.
Conclution: According to the findings from the quantitative research, e-retailers’ ethics positively impact e-retailers’ image and competitive advantage
