Objective: One of the needs of any field of study is to identify thematic trends in order to identify the theoretical gap in previous studies and clarify the path of future studies. Advertising campaigns, as a complex and structured form of advertising are also a field of study, which is no exception. Methodology: This study analyzes the content of the articles conducted in the advertising campaign areas and their classification using co-word analysis (using VOSviewer software) and systematic mapping. The data for this study were retrieved from Scopus on December 2017. The term “Advertising campaigns” was used as search topic. This topic search means that the term “Advertising campaigns” is identified in the title of the publications. Quotation marks have been included in the search term. The time span was set from 1950 to December 2017 included. Findig: The co-word analysis placed advertising campaign studies in three broad categories that they were named as: 1. Studies related to traditional advertising campaigns and mass media. 2. Social marketing advertising campaigns. 3. Online and digital advertising campaigns. Result: The results of the detailed analysis showed that the studies conducted in this field were diverse and focused on commercial, tourism, social and cultural campaigns, In addition to the three main groups of studies (similar to the results of co-word analysis),ten subcategories were also identified.In addition, most studies focused on first and second category. Finally, studies in each category focused mainly on assessing the effectiveness
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Z. zamani and M. A. Babaei Zakliki, "Content Analysis of Six Decades of Advertising Campaign Studies," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 18 38 (2019): -, doi: 10.29252/jbmp.18.38.110
zamani, Z., Babaei Zakliki, M. A. Content Analysis of Six Decades of Advertising Campaign Studies. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2019; 18(38): -. doi: 10.29252/jbmp.18.38.110