Objective: The aim of this study was to develop an export readiness assessment model for SMEs in Iran. Methodology: Due to the inadequacy of the models presented in the literature to explain the concept of export readiness, a qualitative research method based on a system-based data approach was used. The statistical population of this study consists of experts, managers, consultants and experts related to small and medium enterprises, of which 25 people were selected to collect information through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Finding: Data analysis led to the identification of secondary and pivotal categories as well as the relationships between them in the form of a paradigmatic model of export readiness assessment including pivotal category (export readiness-5categories), causal conditions (2categories), intervening condition (6categories), strategies (5categories), background factors (2categories) and consequences (5categories). Conclution: From the analysis of the findings of study, it is inferred that the implementation and promotion of export readiness of small and medium enterprises requires proper planning for all identified factors around it.
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Pourmirza, H. , , Roosta, A. , , Heidarzadeh, K. , and Abdolvand, A. . "Evelopment of Export Readiness Evaluation Pattern for Iranian Small and Medium Size Enterprises", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19, 41, 2020, 79-100. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.41.79
Pourmirza, H., Roosta, A., Heidarzadeh, K., Abdolvand, A. (2020). 'Evelopment of Export Readiness Evaluation Pattern for Iranian Small and Medium Size Enterprises', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19(41), pp. 79-100. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.41.79
H. Pourmirza , A. Roosta , K. Heidarzadeh and A. Abdolvand, "Evelopment of Export Readiness Evaluation Pattern for Iranian Small and Medium Size Enterprises," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 19 41 (2020): 79-100, doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.41.79
Pourmirza, H., Roosta, A., Heidarzadeh, K., Abdolvand, A. Evelopment of Export Readiness Evaluation Pattern for Iranian Small and Medium Size Enterprises. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2020; 19(41): 79-100. doi: 10.52547/jbmp.19.41.79