A Pattern for Typology of Product Strategies in SMEs

Document Type : مروری


 Hamidreza Rezvani*, Amirreza Rohani**[1] Abstract     Each Functional strategy should be coherent with other strategies and firm’s competitive competency; it would result to make a synergy in the corporation. Therefore, decisions about product as one element of the marketing mix in the fitting whit marketing strategies would be important. Previous researchers have suggested various product strategies and their reasons for choosing these strategies. But, only few authors take product typologies into consideration. On the other hand, the role of SMEs in the country's economic growth and the expansion of e-commerce in all aspects of the economy, the necessity of effective selection of product strategies should be consider over the past. Hence, this study examines different product strategies and typologies and then introduces a typology in e-small and medium sized enterprises in Iran (E-SMEs). First of all, we review the literature in order to present a typology of product strategies is based on the strategic reference points. For this purpose, 400 small and medium e-businesses were studied in Iran. Then, for analyzing and testing the hypothesis that posed in this study, we are using the software of SPSS 16 and LISREL 8.5. Our results show that strategic reference points of focus and control are effective factors in the choice of product strategies. Keywords: Typology; Product Strategies; Strategic Reference Points (SRPs); E-SMEs.* Assistant professor, University of Mehralborz.** Ph.D Student, University of Tehran(Corrosponding Auther).Email: arohani.ie@gmail.com

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