Designing a model of factors affecting the value network of renewable energy and its consequences in the industry sector of Iran using a mixed method

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student of Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.

2 Associate professor of business Management department, kharazmi university

3 Assistant Professor of Department of Industrial Engineering, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.



Aim: Recently, value networks are one of the new approaches to success in the fields of business management. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting the value network of renewable energy and its consequences in the consumption sector of the industry in the country and to design its model using a mixed method.
Methodology: This research is exploratory in nature and developmental in terms of purpose and has an inductive approach. The method of conducting this research, which is carried out with a mixed approach and is carried out in two qualitative and quantitative parts, in the qualitative part is used, and in the quantitative part, inferential statistics and structural equation modeling and partial least squares approach are used for model . To collect qualitative data from semi-structured and in-depth interviews with 24 experts in the field of industry and renewable energy, non-probability snowball method was used and in a small part of the available non-probability sampling, according to the calculations of G Power software, the number 317 samples (persons) of industry and renewable energy activists have been used. In this research, it has been done with the main purpose of presenting and testing the renewable energy value network model in the consumer sector of the industry.
Finding: The results of the research showed that focusing on value creation through value creation strategies based on cooperation can help decision-making managers in renewable energy management areas to achieve their strategic goals


Main Subjects