Impact of Internet Banking Image and E-Banking Satisfaction on Attraction and Retention of Premier Customers: the Moderating Role of Customer Perceived Value

Document Type : مروری


Morteza Maleki Minbashi Razgah*, Mahdi Dehghani Soltani**, Hossein Farsizadeh***, Rasoul Ghollamzadeh****[1] Abstract     To retain their customers in today's competitive world, banks need to have their attention to the customers’ views and objections in connection with the banking services bearing in mind that the formulation of the banking policies should be based on voice of the customers. The aim of this study is to evaluate the Internet banking image and e-banking satisfaction on attracting and keeping customers with the moderating role of perceived value amongst the customers of Ansar Bank in the city of Tehran. The statistical population in this study is special customers of Ansar Bank in Tehran city; the standard questionnaire, whose reliability is calculated using alpha Cronback Internal Consistency is distributed among the respondents using simple random sampling. Descriptive statistics, correlation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and structural equation modeling were used for data analysis. The results indicate that Internet banking image and e-Banking satisfaction have strong impacts on attracting and keeping customers. On the other hand, customers’ perceived value has a moderating influence on the impact of Internet banking image and e-Banking satisfaction on attracting and keeping the customers. It is shown that the e-Banking satisfaction has its great impact on attracting and keeping the customers bearing the moderating role of perceived value.* Assistant Professor, Semnan University.** Ph.D. Student, Semnan University (Corresponding Author).E-mail:*** Ph.D. Student, Semnan University.**** Instructor, Payame Noor University.

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