Market segmentation of potential customers of organic fruits with a data mining approach (case study: Tehran)

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Department of Business Management. Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management. Imam Sadiq University (AS). Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Industrial Management, Islamic and management Faculty, Imam sadiq University

3 Department of Business management and marketing. Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management. Imam Sadiq University (AS). Tehran



Objective: Today, the health of consumers of agricultural and food products is endangered due to the current habits of unsustainable food production and consumption, and therefore, organic agriculture can be developed and improved as a suitable alternative due to the lack of use of food additives, chemicals, and artificial substances. find One of the most basic steps to promote the consumption of organic products is the segmentation of potential customers.
Methodology: The statistical population of this research is the citizens of Tehran who tend to consume organic fruits. For this purpose, using Cochran's formula, a sample size of 384 people was selected and the research data was collected through a questionnaire, the reliability of which was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.937. K-means clustering method was used to analyze the research data with a data mining approach.
Findings: Based on the research findings, potential customers in Tehran were divided into five clusters, and the demographic, behavioral, and psychological characteristics of each cluster were described. The two variables of ease of access to information and perceived quality have the greatest effect, and the two variables of the presence of organic products in the consumer food basket and subjective norms have the least effect on customer clustering.
Conclusion: Finally, it is suggested that policymakers should plan cultural, support, and control policies, and organic fruit producers and sellers should gain the trust of their potential customers with the help of digital marketing.
