Providing a model for the loyalty of corporate customers of Refah Bank

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Marketing Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Tehran

2 Associate Prof., University of Tehran

3 Faculty of Management- University of Tehran

4 Assistant Professor, Management and accounting faculty of Farabi campus, University of Tehran



Purpose: Despite the high value of corporate banking customers, the issue of their loyalty less considered. For this purpose, a codified system considered for the loyalty of corporate banking customers in the form of a six-stage loyalty model.
Methodology: Method is the case study wich is a six-step mixed type (quantitative, quantitative, qualitative, quantitative, qualitative and quantitative). The statistical population of this research is the corporate customers of Refah Bank and the sample of the research selected by theoretical method. The steps include identifying and verifying the valuation indicators of corporate banking customers, determining the importance coefficient of the indicators, choosing the target market, valuation, identifying the needs through in-depth interviews, the cost benefit of the needs and adapting the desired services of this group of customers.
findings:After counting the valuation indicators and targeting and ranking of corporate customers, the needs of companies were extracted in the form of 4 main essential, functional, motivational and reverse categories and a total of 93 final codes and 42 concepts were extracted in the form of 18 subcategories and The cost-benefit requirements were met.
Conclusion: Costs of building the loyalty of corporate customers are far lower than the values they have created for the bank. Considering 14.5% of the value of each company for his loyalty budget, all his requested needs met and they can request more than half of the current needs in the future.
Keywords: loyalty model, corporate customers, cost-benefit, service matching


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