Aims and Scope

"Business Management Perspective" is a scientific quarterly created with the following goals in mind:

  1. To disseminate findings from original research in fields related to business management.
  2. To assist in problem-finding and provide scientific analysis of industry issues and problems, offering practical solutions.
  3. To improve the knowledge and expertise of managers and experts, proposing new scientific issues and expanding the boundaries of knowledge in fields related to business management.
  4. To create communication between researchers in the field of business management and direct research in this field.

All articles submitted to this publication will undergo expert review by the editorial board. We kindly request that researchers submit their articles through the journal system, register, and follow the article compilation guide for submission. This way, there is no need for authors to visit the journal's office or make a phone call, and all communications with esteemed authors and referees will be conducted through the journal's system.