Phenomenological comparison of branding behaviors of human resources in chain stores in Iran and Afghanistan; An international research

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. candidate of Management Department, Faculty of Management, Lorestan Universisty, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Lorestan University

3 Assistant professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

4 Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran



The present research is descriptive-exploratory in terms of its practical purpose and in terms of the method of information gathering, and it is of the qualitative research type, which was carried out using the phenomenology method. Since the current research is qualitative, the method of collecting information in it is in-depth interviews with the participants. Based on the purpose of the research, which is a phenomenological comparison of branding behaviors of human resources in chain stores in Iran and Afghanistan, society is defined in two parts. In this way, the statistical population of the research in Afghanistan are the professors of Kabul and Herat universities in the fields of management and marketing, as well as the managers and employees of Alkozi chain store, 21 of them were selected through purposive sampling and based on the principle of theoretical saturation and in Iran, there are university professors and managers and employees of chain stores, 25 of them were selected as sample members by purposeful sampling and based on the principle of theoretical saturation. In this research, in order to review and analyze the data obtained from the interview, the theme analysis method and Maxqda software were used.The results of the research, in addition to recognizing and understanding the mentioned phenomenon,identified the dimensions of brand-building behaviors of human resources, which included 10 comprehensive themes, which include: attention to value, communication, creating a desirable brand image,attention to security, type of participation, type of advertising, which are finally presented separately for Iran and Afghanistan.


Main Subjects