Identifying the factors of service failure based on the marketing funnel and providing agile solutions (Study case: Iran-Zamin Bank)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof., Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Iran

2 Phd. candidate of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Iran

3 3Phd. candidate of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Iran



Purpose: The phenomenon of service failure expresses the gap between satisfaction and expectations of customers from a service. Ignoring the causes of this phenomenon has become a problem. The purpose of the current research is to identify these factors and provide solutions to reduce customer dissatisfaction with domestic banking services based on the marketing funnel.
Method: The data of this research is of qualitative type and its statistical population consists of employees and managers of Iran-Zemin Bank and customers of this bank. In the first population, 23 employees and managers of Iran-Zmin Bank and in the second statistical population, 13 customers of this bank were determined and interviewed and analyzed.
Findings: In total, 3 main themes and 12 sub-themes were identified. The main themes included the main reasons for the failure of banking services, the revenge of the dissatisfied customer, and the ways out of the service failure.
Conclusion: According to the opinions of experts, many of the reasons for the failure of services in the banking industry are the ignorance and lack of information of the customers about the banking rules and instructions, and it is necessary to take measures to educate the customers. Also, it seems necessary to improve the level of knowledge and skills of managers and employees about how to deal with customers, self-restraint and non-confrontation of bank employees with dissatisfied customers.
