The present study is aimed at surveying the factors effective on behavioral intention and adoption of mobile bank in Bank Saderat Iran. To this end a comprehensive and novel model was used. A new model was proposed based on literature review. The required data was collected using a questionnaire designed based on Likert’s scale. Participants included 207 customers of the bank in one month time period who were selected through convenient cluster sampling. Therefore, in terms of objective the study is an applied work and in terms of content, it is a descriptive-survey work. Statistical analyses results and hypotheses tests using SEM in AMOS showed that the factors performance expectancy, efforts expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, price, and initial trust had positive effects on behavioral intention. Moreover, personal propensity to trust and structural trust were effective on initial trust. The results also illustrated that hedonic motivation, habit, and bank reputation did not have an effect on behavioral intention. Moreover, there was no relationship between bank reputation and initial trust. Finally, the results indicated that behavioral intention had positive effect on adaptation of mobile bank.
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Dehdashti Shahrokh, Z. , and Abdollahpour, S. . "Model of Behavioral intention and adoption to mobile bank in Bank Saderat Iran", Journal of Business Management Perspective, 16, 31, 2017, 31-48.
Dehdashti Shahrokh, Z., Abdollahpour, S. (2017). 'Model of Behavioral intention and adoption to mobile bank in Bank Saderat Iran', Journal of Business Management Perspective, 16(31), pp. 31-48.
Z. Dehdashti Shahrokh and S. Abdollahpour, "Model of Behavioral intention and adoption to mobile bank in Bank Saderat Iran," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 16 31 (2017): 31-48,
Dehdashti Shahrokh, Z., Abdollahpour, S. Model of Behavioral intention and adoption to mobile bank in Bank Saderat Iran. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2017; 16(31): 31-48.