Developing a Model to Identify the Structural relationships between the Brand Personality Congruity, Brand attitude and Perceived Value Dimensions: A Case Study in the Banking industry

Document Type : Original Article


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of brand personality congruity, brand attitude and perceived value components (personal, social and functional). The study population includes clients of private banks in the city of Tehran. Data collection for this study was a questionnaire that its validity was confirmed by experts and respondents and reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability (CR) was calculated. Depending on the type of non-random sampling method was available; a questionnaire was distributed among 400 customers of banks. Of these, 352 questionnaires were collected using partial least squares method which is a method of structural equation modeling, were analyzed. For this purpose, the software was used SPSS20 and SmartPLS2.0. The results showed that the brand personality congruity, brand attitude and perceived value components, there is a significant relationship. According to the findings, it can be said that this research will lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms proposed test marketing is an acceptable basis for maintaining and increasing the value of the perceived customer banking services.


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