By improving the quality of services offered to their visitors, Tehran Book Fair, can expand. The service by maintaining the number of visitors, attracting new visitors, increasing the book fair activities, etc. In this study, after reviewing the literature. In the field of Quality Customer Service using two Gronos's model index , 2 indicator for technical and 13 for the functional service quality at the book fair is intended.Above indices with a given structure was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. And mean difference testing between communities showed that In 14 of the 15 index customers aren’t satisfied with services. Friedman's analysis also showed that among these indicators the worst Visitors is prices and discounts. And most motive for people to visit Tehran International Book Fair is informing from latest developments in the book market.
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Y. Sobhanifard , S. Cheraghali , S. M. H. Hosseini and S. M. M. mehdikhah, "customer service quality investigating provided at the Tehran International Book Fair," Journal of Business Management Perspective, 16 31 (2017): 83-102,
Sobhanifard, Y., Cheraghali, S., Hosseini, S. M. H., mehdikhah, S. M. M. customer service quality investigating provided at the Tehran International Book Fair. Journal of Business Management Perspective, 2017; 16(31): 83-102.