Evaluation Customers Rational and Emotional Approach in Customer Based Brand

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor Shahid Beheshti University

2 p hd student shahid beheshti university


     Mobile phone market of Iran, market with various and extensive products, yet highly competitive. In such circumstances, creating value for customers in order to maintain and improve the position of their companies' market share is necessary. The purpose of this research mobile phone brands that customers recognize the value system in the face of rational and emotional approach them with the brand. In this study, for orientation emotional brand making customers feel valued brand concept, "emotional value of brand for customers" and to study their logical approach to evaluating "the economic value of the brand in the customers", was evaluated. The results showed differences in the valuation system of customers for foreign and domestic brands; so that valuation system of foreign brands, approach emotional effective of logical approach while the valuation of the domestic mobile phone brands, logical orientation highlighted of emotional orientation customers.
