Develop a model of customer experience touch points during banking customer journey

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in business management, Isfahan University

2 Assistant Professor Department of Management, Isfahan University, Iran

3 Professor Department of Management, Isfahan University, Iran


In this era, customer determines the exchange conditions. So, the use of traditional methods of service delivery can’t ensure the success of service providers and Customer satisfaction is not limited to service- time. Therefore, service providers should notice to customer experience in encounter to all aspects of the organization. This study aimed to develop a customer experience touch points model during the customer journey. The data were collected from customer narrative of experience with banking services via a Sequential incident technique and a semi-structured interview. A thematic analysis was employed to identify customer experience touch points elements. The results indicate five elements, which include; people, process, promotion, technology, physical environment elements. The most important element in shaping customer experience in banking service is People. So, by identifying these elements, banking managers can identify their strengths and weakness points and allocate their resources to improve and develop these points.


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